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#5 – Peripheral Vision

Women have well developed peripheral vision. For some of them it reaches 180º, which is why women are driving cars rarely pass side impact and can without turning their heads "read" an opponent or follow the child. Man’s brain provides tunnel vision, it "leads" the purpose and sees only what is in front of it without being distracted by trivia.

10 Incredible Unknown Facts About Female Body!

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#4 – Sensitivity

Woman’s skin is 10 times more sensitive than the skin of men. Studies of British scientists have shown that even the most sensitive in this sense a man does not hold up to the most insensitive woman.

10 Incredible Unknown Facts About Female Body!

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#3 – Flexibility

Women are genetically more flexible than men. This is due to women’s childbearing function - their ligaments and muscles have more elastin than collagen. This is because a woman's body produces more hyaluronidases substance responsible for elastin production.

10 Incredible Unknown Facts About Female Body!

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#2 – Useful Toxicosis

Scientists have found another explanation for the female toxicosis during pregnancy. Professor Paul Sherman and Samuel Flaxman, University of Colorado, announced that the morning sickness and headaches - the result of a defense mechanism that protects the fetus from the harmful toxins contained in meat, fish and poultry. This explains the fact that morning sickness - a frequent phenomenon in the early stages of pregnancy, when the fetus is most vulnerable.

10 Incredible Unknown Facts About Female Body!

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#1 – Female Sense of Hearing

Women are better distinguish high frequency sounds. Weekly girl can already distinguish the sound of mother's voice and hear when another baby cries. Boys are in no need of it. Also, women better than men recognize the voice tone and therefore are well aware when men lie.

10 Incredible Unknown Facts About Female Body!

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