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#15 – $10 Million in Gold Coins

Marieds from Sierra Nevada, California find out a top of ferruginous canister poking out of the ground while they are walking their dog on their property. There were a bunch of gold discs in the canister. As it turned out the discs were well preserved $20 gold coins from 1890s. In total there were eight cans containing 1,427 coins priced at of $27,980. The hoard of coins was worth about $10 million.

15 Totally Incredible Things You Won’t Believe Were Found In A Backyard!

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#14 – Ancient Stone

While researching the history of own home, an amateur historian Stephen Davis from England found out that there was an ancient stone supposed to be a burial plot from the Bronze Age dating back to about 2,500 B.C. According to the description in the historical papers, Davis began to search for the stone, and finally found it in his backyard covered with ivy. At the same time, the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England was expected to pronounce the stone a “scheduled ancient monument.”

15 Totally Incredible Things You Won’t Believe Were Found In A Backyard!

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#13 – Church Bells

In 2013, in Czech Republic a person was digging up his backyard when he stumbled across unusual metal items. There were 2 large church bells approximately 400 years old. Later, he got to hear that bells were stolen 11 years ago from a inby church.

15 Totally Incredible Things You Won’t Believe Were Found In A Backyard!

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#12 – Loaded Machine Gun

In 2015, a man from northeast Calgary, Canada found plastic bag with a pillowcase. Inside it there was a fully-loaded machine gun and a mobile phone. No one knows who it belonged to and how it landed there.

15 Totally Incredible Things You Won’t Believe Were Found In A Backyard!

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#11 – 1700's Cemetery

In New Orleans, Louisiana, Vincent Marcello decided to dig a plot for a swimming pool, he ended up discovering a historic cemetery in his backyard dates back to the 1700s. 13 caskets with human remains were found there.

15 Totally Incredible Things You Won’t Believe Were Found In A Backyard!

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