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#5 – The body contains hydrochloric acid

10 Astonishing Disgusting Facts About Your Body!

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This extremely corrosive liquid in the stomach would be sufficient to cause metal corrosion. It is needed in order to cope with persistent harmful bacteria that can cause various health problems.

#4 – The body is inhabited by hundreds of species of fungi

10 Astonishing Disgusting Facts About Your Body!

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If the immune system begins to fail, the fungus instantly "capture area", covering all surfaces of a disgusting and producing a protective cover. This stuff can appear on the head in the form of seborrhea, or worse, psoriasis, or in the throat, causing tonsillitis, etc ... Fortunately, our body is usually able to suppress the activity of pathogenic fungi.

#3 – Mites live in the hair follicles all over the skin

10 Astonishing Disgusting Facts About Your Body!

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Demodex mite is widespread - it’s impossible to find exactly how many people have it, but even if you do not have them, you will surely have it soon. To catch mites it is enough to contact with mites carrier, and people over 60 years suffer from demodicosis found in 80% of cases.

#2 – Carnivorous bacteria can devour us from the inside

10 Astonishing Disgusting Facts About Your Body!

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Carnivorous bacteria enter the body through a cut, wound or in the case of non-compliance with sterility during the operations. Our immune system is able to keep them under control - at least as long as we are alive. When our life comes to an end, they devour the tissue, which, in fact, called the "disintegration".

#1 – You can harf with the excrement

10 Astonishing Disgusting Facts About Your Body!

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Sometimes vomiting may contain human faeces. This occurs, for example, in the cases of ileus. Processed food residues can not leave the body naturally, so they are on the way back - from the colon to the stomach and on. As a result, the gag reflex is triggered.

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