You can secure the snake, snatching its teeth.
For a while it really can work. But teeth will grow back again, and the snake during their growth, without being able to express the poison can become seriously ill. And by the way, it is impossible to drill snakes - any person is little more than just a warm wood for them.
Snakes are cold to the touch.
Snakes are cold-blooded animals typical representatives. And so the temperature of the snake's body is the same as the surrounding temperature. Therefore, unable to maintain an optimal body temperature (just above 30° C), snakes fond bask in the sun.
Snakes can be fed with meat.
Most snakes eat rodents. There are species that eat frogs and fish and even carnivorous reptiles. A king cobra, for example, prefer to eat only other species of snakes. So, what exactly feed the snake, depends only on the snake species.
Snakes entwine the branches and trunks of the trees.
Quite often you can see a picture of serpent wrapped around the trunk of the tree of knowledge. However, this has no relation to the actual behavior of snakes. They only climb on the branches of trees and lie to them, it is completely useless to twist them with the body.
Snakes are covered with slime.
This is another myth. The skin of these reptiles is practically free of iron and covered with a dense smooth scales. Shoes, bags and even clothing are made of this touch-made snakeskin.
#snakes , #myth , #interesting
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