The human iris or ocular fluid has neither blue nor green pigments. Eye color depends on the lighting conditions, especially lighter-colored eyes.
Each eye contains 107 million light sensitive cells.
7 million “cones" helps you see color and details while the 100 million “rods" help distinguish black and white. Actually, less than a tenth of your visual receptors detect color.
If you wear glasses that flip images upside down, your brain corrects your vision.
Your brain adapts things upside down and you are seeing things right side up (even if you're really not)
The muscle that lets your eye blink is the fastest muscle in your body.
Normally a blink lasts 100 to 150 milliseconds and it's possible to blink five times in a second.
Blinking is an enormously important eye function.
Blinking helps you to remove any debris on the eye's surface by spreading tears over them. The tears keep your eyes moist, lubricate them and in addition have an important anti-bacterial properties.
#eyes , #facts , #science , #heterochromia
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