It’s believed that the amount of crows has the ability to predict your fortune as explained by the famous expression: “One’s bad / Two’s luck / Three’s health / Four’s wealth / Five’s sickness / Six is death.”
The Wryneck or Jynx Torquilla are a breed of birds in the woodpecker family that can twist their heads liberally. There is a belief that if this bird twists its head towards you, death is near at hand.
There is a superstitious beliefs that soul can be stolen while you’re looking into a mirror. Think twice before looking into the bathroom mirror…you have been advised beforehand.
To wish someone good luck, just cross your fingers as far as this hand gesture is commonly used for wishing good luck. It has been used since ancient Christian persecution by believers to identify other believers as a sign of peace. Although nowadays, this gesture is used to excuse the telling of a white lies which stems from the belief that the power of the Christian cross may save a person from being sent to hell for telling a lie.
Since photography was invented in the early 19th century, people all over the world held the baseless belief that taking someone’s picture was the same as taking his soul. So if an enemy had a photograph of you, he not only held your soul but also a spiritual power over you.
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