You won’t able to work on Antarctica, until you remove your wisdom teeth and appendix.
This is due to the fact that there are no operations are performed in the stations located in Antarctica. That is why you need to remove wisdom teeth and appendix, even if they are healthy.
The driest place on Earth is in Antarctica, that is called Dry Valleys.
Antarctica has its own top-level domain .aq, as many other countries (Australia .au, Germany .de).
It would be unfair, if such a vast continent would not have its own domain! Even the McDonald Islands have their own top-level domain.
53 million years ago, Antarctica was a warm place so the palm trees have grown along its banks. The temperature raised above 20 degrees there.
The musical group "Metallica" performed on Antarctica song called Freeze ‘Em All!
Because of this it became the first group in the world that has given concerts on all continents. The group visited all seven continents throughout the year!
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