One of the most disliked of beetles in the world. It is widely believed that cockroaches could easily survive a nuclear cataclysm (although it is unlikely to cope with the nuclear winter) due to their resistance to radiation. And in the brain of some species contain powerful antibiotics that can overcome the harmful bacteria to humans.
Bees give a head start to any insect, when it concerns communication and navigation. With the help of dance they give their relatives any necessary signals and even make simple geometric calculations. Bees have amazing memory, they are easily guided to the area and can find their way according to the position of the sun.
Locusts are specialists in onward flight. Although they are known for gluttony, in fact, locusts consume energy with tremendous savings, flying "without charge" up to 80 km per day. In addition, they expertly wield wings in the air completely controlling its flight.
Fireflies not only light, but also very economically use their energy. The emitted light fireflies use as a means of communication feeding relatives several types of signals.
Fleas are nasty and overtly harmful parasites, but with a very impressive abilities. The low weight and incredibly advanced mechanism of feet they can jump up to a height of 150 times higher than their own height. Much like as if people could fly up to 200 meters.
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