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#10 – Ponniyin Selvan

Read or Die: 10 Longest Novels in the World!

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Kalki Krishnamurthy 900,000 words / 2,400 pages

Published in 1950's in 5 volumes, this romance tells the story of Rajaraja Chola First, one of the Chola kings who ruled in X-XI centuries. Creating the novel took Krishnamurti 3 years and 6 months. Probably reading of this romance takes the same period of time (without regard to the need of studying the language).

#Ponniyin_Selvan , #Kalki_Krishnamurthy , #Kelidar , #Mahmoud_Dowlatabadi , #Joseph_und_seine_Bruder , #Thomas_Mann , #The_History_of_a_Young_Lady , #Samuel_Richardson , #Min_Kamp , #Carl_Uwe_Knausgord , #Zettels_Traum , #Arno_Schmidt , #Der_Mann_ohne_Eigenschaften , #Robert_Musil , #Mission_Earth , #L_Ron_Hubbard , #Marcel_Proust , #Artamene_ou_le_Grand_Cyrus , #Madeleine_de_Scudéry

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