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#5 – Stalin

Stalin, (1878-1953), USSR

Total control under USSR and 9.6% of world GDP

It is difficult to separate Stalin's wealth from the wealth of the Soviet Union, but his ability to combine economic power and full control of all spheres of life of the country has led to the fact that many economists call him one of the richest men of all time.

OECD data indicate that the three years before the death of Stalin in 1950, the share of the Soviet Union in the global economy was about 9.5%. In 2014, the production volume was $7.5 trillion. And although the money didn't belong to Stalin personally, however he could dispose them at his discretion. Stalin controlled 1/6 of the planet's surface.

Money Is not Enough: 10 Richest People in History!

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#4 – Akbar the Great

Akbar the Great, (1542-1605), India

Empire, 25% of world GDP

Akbar I the Great was one of the great emperors of the Mughal dynasty. Economic historian Angus Maddison argues that GDP per capita in India at the time was comparable to the Elizabethan England. The difference was that the standard of living of the ruling class went the same class in European society better.

This assessment is also confirmed by studies of economist Branko Milanovic - Mughal very well have selected the wealth of its population.

Money Is not Enough: 10 Richest People in History!

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#3 – Emperor Shenzong of Song

Emperor Shenzong of Song, (1048-1085), China

Empire, 25%-30% of world GDP

Song Dynasty (960-1279) had one of the strongest economies in the world. According to Professor Ronald Edwards, the state owned share of 25 to 30% of global GDP. The reason for this was the successful development of technological innovation and successful tax administration.

Money Is not Enough: 10 Richest People in History!

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#2 – Augustus

Augustus, Emperor Of Rome, (63 BC - 14 CE), Rome

$4.6 trillion

According to professor of history at Stanford University Ian Morris, personal wealth of the ruler was equal to 1/5 of the whole economy, which means $ 4.6 trillion in 2015.

Money Is not Enough: 10 Richest People in History!

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#1 – Musa Mansa

Musa Mansa, (1280-1337), Mali

Richier than anyone can describe

Supreme ruler of Timbuktu is often called the richest man of all time. Richard Smith from Ferrum College argues that this state produces most of the gold in the world.

It is impossible to rate his wealth. Some legends say that every year, Mali has produced a ton of gold, and the army of the state consisted of 200 thousand soldiers. During his journey to Mecca, he spent so much that caused the crisis in Egypt.

Money Is not Enough: 10 Richest People in History!

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